Massage Remedial and Sports Injury
Massage has a positive impact on various systems of the body: muscular, skeletal, circulatory, lymphatic, endocrine and hormonal. Therefore this therapy can be effective in many conditions, to name a few: neck & back pain/ tension headaches/ stiff neck/shoulders/ PMT/ insomnia/ tennis elbow/ anxiety and stress/ circulatory problems / exhaustion.
Jo Wilson uses a wide range of deep tissue and remedial massage techniques to alleviate aches and pains to promote healing and relaxation. Sports massage and Remedial massage is beneficial to all and can help to:
- Increase flexibility
- Improves muscle tone
- Increase range of movement
- Promote well being
- Reduce and relieve stress and tension Increase circulation
- Break down areas of adhesions and scar tissue
- Speeds up recovery and healing
- Improved sleep